Friday, October 16, 2009

Provoke on Finnish TV: Creative Industries?

CEO Mikko Kamarainen was interviewed on Finnish TV1 news about creative industries. According to the news, Provoke is a model student among creative industries - and without doubt, the creative industries have a huge potential. But there are challenges, too - as Kamarainen stated in the interview:
"The category is loosely defined. Also, within the category, most of the companies are too small." Both make it more difficult for the industry to gain credibility among potential corporate users. At the same time, in hard economic times, creating new solutions should be the first priority for corporations - to prepare for the next upturn. And to innovate new business before the old disappears.

Read the full story in Finnish at

1 comment:

  1. Creative Industries = Innovation. It is not something separate from other industries, rather a new viewpoint for all?
